We provide a transformative educational journey

TYM offers mentorship, life skills, and resilience tools within a Christian framework in camps and after-school programs, guiding students to overcome challenges, excel, and unlock their potential. We provide hope and support for facing trauma.

Fostering kids' Social, Emotional Learning, and a relationship with Christ, we nurture integrity, respect, trust, and responsibility
TYM's gospel-centered teaching and Christ-modeled mentorship are key to authentic student relationships, embodying our comprehensive approach in action and words.
Research highlights adults' role in fostering youths' motivation through transformational relationships. We've identified effective relationship-building strategies that enhance student motivation.
TYM focuses on character and responsibility, adapting our curriculum with research-based methods for diverse students. Mentorship empowers them to lead solutions for their communities.
We collaborate with students' families and caregivers to foster a supportive environment, enabling growth for the entire family unit.

See the Journey in Action

A Transformational Journey
At the center is Christ.

Having served 10,000+ students across 30+ years of an excellent summer camp experience, since 2017 we have been expanding our year-round programming for a children 8-12 years old -- 2nd - 6th grade. Our comprehensive, holistic approach that includes facets of academic enrichment, character building, leadership development, spiritual formation and family engagment are an important part of each student maturing into a self-reliant adult that has a personal relationship with Jesus.

We offer two unique experiences -- small group mentoring and summer camp -- that build upon one another while also welcoming students at any point in their lives. Through each experience, students engage with an age-appropriate and situationally impactful opportunity to produce resilience and a growth mindset.

To the right is an illustration showing our Transformational Journey: guiding kids from 8 to 18+ and fostering a cycle where grown 'TYM kids' mentor the next generation with their experiences